Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hey! What’s going on in your world today?

Me? Well, I was sitting here thinking about my blog and life; and, work and life; and, retirement and life; and, well, working for the rest of my life. Don’t want to do it.

Don’t get me wrong. I want to do something, but I want that something to be, at the least fulfilling…something I am passionate about not just the everyday 9 to 5 drag. I want to do that something that wakes me up in the morning and haunts – in a good way, my dreams at night. I want to take one of my gazillion ideas and make it work for me. But, I find myself full of excuses as to why I can’t do that right now. There is this little matter of money, need for health insurance and, lifestyle habits that I’m not interested in changing – like paying my bills and eating out every now and again or, shopping for me and my grandkids. Of course there are other considerations, but you get my drift. Letting go of the income that you depend on to living on uncertainty is a big step. A GIANT step really and one many of us are not willing, or ready, to take. I am going to explore this line of thought more as I blog, but today I want to talk about how we are so invisible that it is disheartening.

This blog, Marvelously Mature, is about and for African American/Black women who are 50 years of age and older. It was created as part of an assignment that I took on in grad school and, I must admit, I have just let it drift in the ether. Now I plan to blog once or twice a week about how wonderful, courageous, beautiful, eccentric, creative, etc, etc, etc – we are.

So today I decided to check out what other MarvelouslyMature African American/Black women were doing in the blogsphere and I found not much of anything. There are sites, blogs and articles about our health and fashion for the most part. What really amazed me was the number of sites dedicated to me as a sistah when it comes to my dating life, the clothes I should be wearing and celebrities who are over 50 and looking good. And my absolute favorite [sic] is the NY Times article about why Black women are so fat.
What I wanted to find was information on how to retire; recreate myself; follow my passion; become financially healthy; exchange ideas; talk trash; share recipes; share experiences…you follow me? Now, I’m not saying this stuff ain’t…yes, I said “ain’t”…out there, because it may well be. What I am saying is that if it is it is buried so deep in cyberspace that I can’t find the right combination of search words to locate it. I would love to locate such information and put it in an easy to find location available to everyone.

Still sitting here trying to work through some things, but I know what direction I’m heading in, or at least the direction I need to be headed in – the one that has been my path for years…Celebrating This Beautiful Black Life God gave me. I want to make us more visible and arm us with information that we can use to gracefully embrace the wonderful women we are evolving into.  That said, I would love to hear from you. If you have information that the MarvelouslyMature woman can use please share. Until next time…


  1. I absolutely love your blog! Your posts are laugh out loud funny and always thought provoking. Keep on blogging Marvelous one!


  2. Marvelous One? Moi? Okay, I'll take that. DC thanks for reading and I hope you will copy the link and invite others to stop by Marvelously Mature too.
