Do We Need Another
Hey ladies, and guys if
you are reading my blog. I have been pondering something for a while. So, we
love Tina Turner and her music but, this isn’t about that never aging beauty.
Years ago she made a song for a movie and the gist of the song was that heroes
were no longer needed, or at the least no more were needed. I disagree.
Now, I may be about to
do that TMI thing and tell you a little bit more about me than you really want
to know but hey, it is what it is – so here goes.
I have come to the
realization that a therapist would probably tell me that I have daddy issues
and I would disagree. My stepfather was the best daddy any girl could want or
have. He is tall, handsome, smart, could fix on cars, air conditioners, lawn
mowers or whatever. He loves deeply and
has always been a source of good advice. The man was a super provider and I never,
ever worried about anyone causing me harm because I knew Daddy Vern would
handle it. In essence, he is my hero and I don’t have daddy issues. But, what has
brought me to the realization is the types of books I read, television shows I
watch, music I like and men I find attractive - whether they are good looking
or ogres. I like strong, bold men who
are not afraid to take a stand or take charge.
Let me give you an
example. If you ever watched the show “The Last Resort” you will remember the
actor Andre Baugher who is by no means what I would call good looking. Yet, I
found him immensely attractive in Resort. He was a strong, take charge,
intelligent Black man who didn’t take any mess. He was my hero for that season.
And, let’s look at my choices of novels: spy, detective, etc…. Mitch Rapp is
one of my fiction heroes. He isn’t Black, too bad, but he is a man who can kick
terrorists behind in short order.
Okay, you get where I’m
going so back to Ms. Tina’s song – us and needing another hero. I will speak
for myself: I need, want and will accept into my life another HERO! Yes, I have
a certain look in mind but I am a Marvelously Mature woman who is not confused –
good looks are fine, but a brother who can hold his own is freakinghot! A man
who can appreciate a strong woman by letting her be strong because he knows who
he is. Gurrllll that makes me want to
use words like supercilious as though it were a positive descriptive word.
I know I’m a piece of
work – hell, I’m work. And any man coming my way needs to have his ego in order.
Not that I would denigrate it, but he certainly doesn’t need to be overly
sensitive to that strong woman vibe that lives here…to be continued
I gots more to say but
I would love to hear from you. Care to share what you think about us needing
another hero?